2013 Mississippi Valley Regionals

Dates: January 19-20
Location: St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, Missouri, USA
Attendance: 390 Masters
Format: BLW-BCR

This Regional featured nine best-of-one Swiss rounds followed by a cut to a single-elimination Top 16 bracket.

Top 32 final standings
  1. Andrew Krekeler, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX
  2. Jando Luna, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Garbodor
  3. Kevin Forbes, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX
  4. Dan Richard, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Garbodor
  5. Heather Lynch, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  6. Taylor Davis, Darkrai-EX/Hydreigon
  7. Kaitlin Young, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Garbodor
  8. James Proctor, Gardevoir NXD/Mewtwo-EX/Sigilyph DEX/Meloetta BCR
  9. Mark McDonald, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX
  10. Treynor Wolfe, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX
  11. Patrick Glynn, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX
  12. James Hart, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  13. Stephen Clark, Darkrai-EX/Sableye/Garbodor
  14. Trevor Simmons, ?
  15. Jay Hornung, Darkrai-EX/Terrakion
  16. Zach Zamora, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik/Zebstrika NXD
  17. John Roberts II, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Tornadus-EX/Terrakion/Sigilyph
  18. Ryan Bewley, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  19. Ty Smith, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Kyogre-EX/Sigilyph
  20. Joseph Devore, Darkrai-EX/Hydreigon
  21. Andrew Parmley, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Kyogre-EX/Sigilyph
  22. Anthony Easen, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  23. Ean Teague, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  24. Mason Hans, Blastoise/Keldeo-EX
  25. Kenton Anderson, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Tornadus-EX
  26. Melissa Grieve, Darkrai-EX/Sableye/Hammers
  27. Ty Wheeler, Rayquaza-EX/Eelektrik
  28. Isaiah Bettridge, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Bouffalant/Terrakion
  29. Kyle Lane, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Tornadus-EX
  30. Miles McCready, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Terrakion
  31. Austin Baggs, Landorus-EX/Mewtwo-EX/Tornadus-EX
  32. Christian Goodrich, Mewtwo-EX/Tornadus-EX/Sigilyph


Streamed matches
The Top Cut streamed selected matches. Drew Holton provided commentary for Swiss along with guest Abe Morales. Kyle "Pooka" Sucevich provided commentary for Top 16 matches. 

Round 1 / watch
Round 2 / watch
Round 3 / watch
Round 4 / watch
Round 5 / watch
Round 6 / watch
Round 7 / watch
Round 8 / watch
Round 9 / watch
Top 16 / watch
Top 8 / watch
Top 4 / watch
Finals / watch

Player notes:
Player notes:

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