Dates: February 17-18, 2018
Location: Gateway Center, Collinsville, Illinois, USA
Attendance: 1064 Masters
Format: Standard BRT-UPR
Day 2 metagame analysis
Top 8 bracket
Top 64 final standings
Stream matches
A stream was provided by Critical Hit at Casters were Adam Dorricott, Kirk Dubé, Emily Engle, Chris Hoag, and Jeffrey Surran. Thanks to Balthazar's Pkmns for posting VODs to YouTube.
Round 1: not streamed
Round 2: TIE: Michael Pramawat (1-0-0, Zoroark/Weavile UPR) vs. Aaron Tarbell (1-0-0, Espeon-GX/Garbodor/Tapu Koko/Metal/Blend Energy LPM) watch
Round 3: Gustavo Wada (2-0-0, Volcanion) def. Alex Hamilton (2-0-0, Zoroark/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 4: Igor Costa (3-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo BPT) def. Eric Gansman (3-0-0, Gardevoir-GX) WLW watch
Round 5: Kidd Starck (4-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor) def. Christopher Venier (4-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) WW watch
Round 6: Kyle Sabelhaus (5-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Gardevoir-GX) def. Azul Garcia Griego (5-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) WLW watch
Round 7: Mike Newey (5-0-1, Golisopod-GX/Garbodor) def. Zach Lesage (5-0-1, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor) WW watch
Round 8: Kenny Britton (6-1-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) def. Joe Ruettiger (6-1-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) WW watch
Round 9: Andrew Wamboldt (6-2-0, Glaceon-GX/Lapras-GX/Garbodor) def. Dustin Zimmerman (6-2-0, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 10: not streamed
Round 11: TIE: Zachary Bokhari (8-1-1, Zoroark/Counters) vs. Kyle Madison (8-1-1, Zoroark/Garbodor) watch
Round 12: TIE: Russell LaParre (9-1-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) vs. Ian Robb (9-1-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) watch
Round 13: Igor Costa (8-1-3, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo BPT) def. Andrew Mahone (9-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) LWW watch
Round 14: Natalie Shampay (10-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) def. Rith Ke (10-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 15: Joe Ruettiger (10-3-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) def. Aaron Tarbell (10-3-1, Espeon-GX/Garbodor/Tapu Koko/Metal/Blend Energy LPM) WW watch
Top 8: 1-Alex Hill (Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX) def. 8-Joe Ruettiger (Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) WLW watch
Top 4: 7-Natalie Shampay (Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) def. 6-Pearce Blend (Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Finals: 5-Ian Robb (Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) def. 7-Natalie Shampay (Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) LWW watch
Decklists and analysis
All Day 2 decklists are available in text form at Limitless and at RK9 Labs.
Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK - used by Natalie Shampay (2nd), Andrew Mahone (22nd) and Will Mantho (34th)
(also used by Riley Hulbert, who missed CP)
Pearce Blend, 4th - Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
Russell LaParre, 6th - Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
Joe Ruettiger, 8th - Golisopod-GX/Zoroark-GX/Lurantis SM25
Player notes:
Mason Baker, 9th - Turbo Ho-Oh-GX
Igor Costa, 10th - Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo
Player notes:
John Roberts II, 24th - VikaBulu
Player notes:
Brit Pybas, 26th - Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
Player notes:
Robert Rood, 31st - Raichu-GX/Pachirisu UPR

Player notes:
Andrew Wamboldt, 38th - Glaceon-GX/Lapras-GX/Garbodor
Kevin Baxter, 41st - Passimian
Player notes:
Ezra Hoon, 42nd - Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
Zachary Taylor, 43rd - VikaBulu
Player notes:
Athavan Balendran, 48th - Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX/Registeel/Solgaleo♢/Garbodor/Max Elixir

Zach Baker, 52nd - Zoroark/Spread/Counters

Zander Bennett, 60th - Sylveon-GX/Gardevoir-GX/Hoopa
Player notes:
More links
Location: Gateway Center, Collinsville, Illinois, USA
Attendance: 1064 Masters
Format: Standard BRT-UPR
Day 2 metagame analysis
Top 8 bracket
Top 64 final standings
- Ian Robb, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25
- Natalie Shampay, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK
- Alex Hill, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Pearce Blend, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Gustavo Wada, Volcanion
- Russell LaParre, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Alex Bunker, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Joey Ruettiger, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25
- Mason Baker, Ho-Oh-GX
- Igor Costa, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo BPT
- Emmet Hurley, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Rith Ke, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Azul Garcia Griego, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Emery Taylor, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Kyle Sabelhaus, Zoroark-GX/Gardevoir-GX
- Zachary Bokhari, Zoroark/Counters
- Aaron Tarbell, Garbodor (Drampa-GX, Espeon-GX, Espeon-EX, Tapu Koko, Kartana-GX)
- Sam Chen, Zoroark-GX/Weavile UPR
- Kenny Britton, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Brandon Johnson, Hoopa (with Energy and other attackers)
- Jimmy Pendarvis, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Andrew Mahone, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK
- Nick Robinson, VikaBulu
- John Roberts II, VikaBulu
- Mason Galvan, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Brit Pybas, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
- Ben Potter, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Miguel Ruiz Jiminez, Garbodor (Drampa-GX, Espeon-GX, Necrozma-GX)
- Kyle Madison, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
- Aaron Wilfong, Garbodor (Espeon-GX, Necrozma-GX, Espeon-EX, Lunala ♢)
- Robert Rood, Raichu-GX/Pachirisu UPR
- Zach Lesage, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor
- Jordan Becks, Ho-Oh-GX
- Will Mantho, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK
- Kevon Owens, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Alex Lakomy, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Joe Merod, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Andrew Wamboldt, Glaceon-GX/Lapras-GX/Garbodor
- Nick Brassell, Garbodor (Drampa-GX, Espeon-GX, Espeon-EX, Tauros-GX)
- Zack Martin, Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX/Celesteela-GX/Registeel/Solgaleo ♢/Max Elixir/Garbodor BPT
- Kevin Baxter, Passimian
- Ezra Hoon, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
- Zack Taylor, VikaBulu
- Ryan Bruckner, VikaBulu
- Bradley Ireland, Zoroark-GX/Gardevoir-GX
- Poet Larson, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Athavan Balendran, Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX/Celesteela-GX/Registeel/Solgaleo ♢/Max Elixir/Garbodor BPT
- Kidd Starck, Zoroark-GX/Weavile UPR
- Adam Knowles, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Lucas Selig, Drampa-GX/Garbodor
- Justin Kulas, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
- Zachary Baker, Zoroark/Spread/Counters
- Michael Laundrie, Golisopod-GX/Garbodor
- Ian McGregor, Greninja BREAK
- Roberto Lozada, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Ian Buck, Espeon-GX/Garbodor
- Mike Newey, Golisopod-GX/Garbodor
- David Raczka, Buzzwole-GX/Mew FCO/Puzzle of Time/Scorched Earth
- Zander Bennett, Sylveon-GX/Gardevoir-GX/Hoopa
- Brad Curcio, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
- Grant Hays, Greninja BREAK
- Caleb Patton, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
- Eric Gansman, Gardevoir-GX/Octillery
- Wesley Hollenberg, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25
Stream matches
A stream was provided by Critical Hit at Casters were Adam Dorricott, Kirk Dubé, Emily Engle, Chris Hoag, and Jeffrey Surran. Thanks to Balthazar's Pkmns for posting VODs to YouTube.
Round 1: not streamed
Round 2: TIE: Michael Pramawat (1-0-0, Zoroark/Weavile UPR) vs. Aaron Tarbell (1-0-0, Espeon-GX/Garbodor/Tapu Koko/Metal/Blend Energy LPM) watch
Round 3: Gustavo Wada (2-0-0, Volcanion) def. Alex Hamilton (2-0-0, Zoroark/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 4: Igor Costa (3-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo BPT) def. Eric Gansman (3-0-0, Gardevoir-GX) WLW watch
Round 5: Kidd Starck (4-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Garbodor) def. Christopher Venier (4-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) WW watch
Round 6: Kyle Sabelhaus (5-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Gardevoir-GX) def. Azul Garcia Griego (5-0-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) WLW watch
Round 7: Mike Newey (5-0-1, Golisopod-GX/Garbodor) def. Zach Lesage (5-0-1, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor) WW watch
Round 8: Kenny Britton (6-1-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) def. Joe Ruettiger (6-1-0, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) WW watch
Round 9: Andrew Wamboldt (6-2-0, Glaceon-GX/Lapras-GX/Garbodor) def. Dustin Zimmerman (6-2-0, Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 10: not streamed
Round 11: TIE: Zachary Bokhari (8-1-1, Zoroark/Counters) vs. Kyle Madison (8-1-1, Zoroark/Garbodor) watch
Round 12: TIE: Russell LaParre (9-1-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) vs. Ian Robb (9-1-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX) watch
Round 13: Igor Costa (8-1-3, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo BPT) def. Andrew Mahone (9-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) LWW watch
Round 14: Natalie Shampay (10-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) def. Rith Ke (10-3-0, Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Round 15: Joe Ruettiger (10-3-1, Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) def. Aaron Tarbell (10-3-1, Espeon-GX/Garbodor/Tapu Koko/Metal/Blend Energy LPM) WW watch
Top 8: 1-Alex Hill (Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX) def. 8-Joe Ruettiger (Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) WLW watch
Top 4: 7-Natalie Shampay (Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) def. 6-Pearce Blend (Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX) WLW watch
Finals: 5-Ian Robb (Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Lurantis SM25) def. 7-Natalie Shampay (Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK) LWW watch
Decklists and analysis
All Day 2 decklists are available in text form at Limitless and at RK9 Labs.
Buzzwole-GX/Garbodor/Carbink BREAK - used by Natalie Shampay (2nd), Andrew Mahone (22nd) and Will Mantho (34th)
(also used by Riley Hulbert, who missed CP)
Pearce Blend, 4th - Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX
Russell LaParre, 6th - Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX
Joe Ruettiger, 8th - Golisopod-GX/Zoroark-GX/Lurantis SM25
- "I wouldn't change a single thing."
Mason Baker, 9th - Turbo Ho-Oh-GX
Igor Costa, 10th - Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX/Sudowoodo
Player notes:
- "Sudowoodo was very clutch and I used it way more than I was expecting"
John Roberts II, 24th - VikaBulu
Player notes:
- "Had a 7-0-2 day one, but had a rough first two rounds in Day 2 due to dead drawing and getting donked twice. Other than those two rounds, this list ran very smooth and I probably wouldn't change anything. Also, I still don't see how anyone loses to Garbodor with Bulu, beating 2 and tying one in rounds 8, 9, and 12 (2-0-1 total)."
- "Fighting Fury Belt and Escape Rope were clutch!"
- On Tapu Koko: "It was pretty handy, not only for the spread, but for the free retreat and it's a non-EX attacker."
Brit Pybas, 26th - Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
- "Struggles against fringe decks and needs a second Blower"
Robert Rood, 31st - Raichu-GX/Pachirisu UPR

Player notes:
- "Overall I wasn’t happy with the list I settled on. The changes I would make:
- -1 Pachirisu
- +1 Bridgette
- -1 N
- +1 float or +1 Professor Sycamore"
Kevin Baxter, 41st - Passimian
Player notes:
- "I would probably cut the Regirock-EX for another Guzma or Field Blower."
Ezra Hoon, 42nd - Zoroark-GX/Garbodor
Zachary Taylor, 43rd - VikaBulu
Player notes:
- Tournament report:
Athavan Balendran, 48th - Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX/Registeel/Solgaleo♢/Garbodor/Max Elixir

Zach Baker, 52nd - Zoroark/Spread/Counters

Zander Bennett, 60th - Sylveon-GX/Gardevoir-GX/Hoopa
Player notes:
- On Hoopa: "It isn't a bad starter and it walls Zoroark-GX and helps the Buzzwole-GX matchup a ton."
- On Pal Pad: "Pretty solid, not mandatory, but nice insurance. Allows you to use Supporters like Handiwork or Delinquent over and over without Puzzles."
- On why Red Card isn't in the list: "Red Card doesn't do a whole lot because it doesn't make plays with Delinquent, since they'll always get 1 card left."
- On whether Gardevoir-GX is still worth playing (in a meta with less Gardevoir-GX and Volcanion): "Yeah, being able to use Twilight GX versus Zoroark-GX/Gardevoir-GX matters a lot, but it's also your best answer for Oranguru, Espeon-GX/Garbodor (make Trashalanche not matter), Ho-Oh-GX stuff, and killing a Buzzwole-GX that gets out of hand."
More links