Limitless Online Qualifier 1: Expected Metagame and Luke Morsa's Deck Rankings

PokéStats's Luke Morsa, aka Celio's Network, has built a metagame analysis spreadsheet for this weekend's Limitless Online Series Qualifier #1.

Click here to see the spreadsheet

How to use the spreadsheet:
  • Each deck Luke analyzed is listed in the left-most column.
  • The matchups for each deck are listed in the row across the top.
  • Each cell contains the expected win rate for the given matchup. For example, in cell 2C, Blacephalon UNB has a 40% win rate against Cinccino Mill. 
  • In column O, the average win rate for each deck is calculated to obtain the Unweighted Matchup Spread.
  • In sheet 2, the Unweighted Matchup Spread for each deck is weighted by the deck's expected meta share to obtain the Weighted Matchup Spread. This is how we create our final deck power rankings, shown below.
    • Luke's expected meta shares for each deck are shown at the bottom of sheet 1. 
  • Editor's note: Luke left both Cinccino Control and Doll Stall out of this analysis; while I believe both are strong in the expected metagame, the 25-minute time limit on rounds will likely limit them from seeing much success. -Tate

Celio's Network predictions video

Deck power rankings